Loïc Dachary

Loïc Dachary
Born 1965
Suresnes, France
Occupation Free Software volunteer and freelancer

Loïc Dachary (born in 1965) has been a free software developer and activist in France since 1987. Dachary currently contributes to Free Software projects and acts as president of the Free Software Foundation in France. He is a speaker for the GNU Project and the April association.



Dachary started as a C and lisp developer in 1986. In 1987 he was hired to teach Unix and programming at Axis. In 1988 Lectra launched a 68k based hardware, and Dachary led a Unix System V port using the GNU Compiler Collection. When the project was completed, he took a sabbatical in 1989 to create the GNA, a non-profit group for the development and distribution of Free Software. Dachary went back to development for Tic Tac Toon[1] and Agence France-Presse (AFP) where he learned C++.

In 1995 he founded the Ecila search engine which was acquired by Tiscali and discontinued in 2001.[2] After two years dedicated to the FSF France, Dachary worked for INRIA on RFID software in 2003.[3] Starting with Mekensleep in 2004, Dachary wrote poker related free software, which was published as part of the PokerSource project. In 2007 he was hired by OutFlop, a startup specialized in poker software services based on PokerSource.[4] In 2011 he became a Free Software freelancer and worked on XiVO[5][6] and cardstories.[7]

Non-profit career


When employed by Axis in 1987, Dachary offered copies of free software on magnetic tapes (such as Emacs or the GNU Compiler Collection). The Internet was difficult to access at the time and he became a known dealer, welcoming visitors in need of an update. After working on the Lectra project and because of his intensive use of GCC, Dachary created the GNA (Gna's Not Axis) non profit in 1989.

Although the original goal of GNA was to develop Free Software, it started as a news and mail provider.[8] The connectivity to the a news and mail provider in Washington, D.C. was provided by Agence France-Presse (AFP) over a half-used satellite link. In 1990 GNA provided over 200 individuals, non profit organisations and companies with mail and news feeds.

GNA kept distributing Free Software on magnetic tapes. Visitors would walk to GNA offices during working hours with a tape and wait for the software to be copied to it. Dachary enjoyed chatting with them while waiting for the copy to finish. Compiling from the sources was difficult and Dachary packaged pre-compiled binaries for the Motorola 68000 family, x86 and SPARC. He left tapes at his computer book store, Le Monde en "tique" [9] who sold them to his customers.

Richard Stallman occasionally visited France and met Dachary when he started to spread free software. During his year at GNA Dachary took advantage of Richard Stallman's presence in France to organize conferences at École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers, Paris 8 University and his former school École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées.


In 1990 Dachary took a secondary role in GNA as his friend Hugues Lafarge became president. In 1996 he met with the founders of April, a French Free Sotftware NGO, to whom he donated their first server, hosted at Ecila's [2] office.


Dachary returned to a more active role in non profit work in 2000 when he wrote code for the newborn SourceForge platform. In an attempt to understand the project dynamics, he travelled to VA Linux offices and met with Eric Raymond and Tim Perdue. He felt the team was too focused on in-house interactions to welcome an external contributor. However, he became familiar with the published code base and when VA Linux started to use proprietary software, he created an alternative platform using the latest Free Software code base published: GNU Savannah. In early 2001 Dachary secured the funds to buy hardware for the Free Software Foundation offices and moved to Boston to install them.[10] Late 2001, when VA Linux asked him to assign copyright for his contributions, Dachary published an article explaining why it was time to move away from SourceForge.[11] In 2002, Dachary gradually delegated his responsibilities to GNU Savannah contributors and Free Software Foundation staff and retired in 2003.

Copyleft compliance

In 2001 the Free Software Foundation established a presence in Europe and Dachary took part in the process by creating FSF France (renaming GNA publication number 20010027 in Journal Officiel [12]) and serving as the first vice president of FSF Europe. In addition to supporting the growth of GNU Savannah, FSF France assisted French developers and companies with GPL compliance. With Bradley M. Kuhn, executive director of the Free Software Foundation at the time, Dachary worked the first contract of the new GPL Compliance Labs[13] for a French governmental agency. His ongoing interest in enforcing Copyleft licenses led to a few visible outcome such as the publication of C&CS by Orange [14] and SFR,[15] and the court case involving Free [16] but most of it is kept confidential. In 2009 Dachary joined the Software Freedom Conservancy board of directors.[17]


In late 2002, Dachary became concerned by the lack of protest against the European Copyright Directive that was about to be transposed into French law. Instead of acting in the name of FSF France and because the problems were not limited to Free Software, he launched the EUCD.INFO initiative.[18][19] After six months of full time lobbying, he hired Christophe Espern to work for FSF France and delegated his responsibilities. Dachary has not play an active role since, although he keeps in touch through his friend Jérémie Zimmermann, Christophe Espern's successor, co-founder and spokesperson of La Quadrature du Net.

GNA! and hosting

Late 2003 the GNU Savannah compromise[20] created tensions in the governance. Early 2004 Dachary worked with Mathieu Roy to set up GNA![21] using the same policy and software, but with a different decisional process.[22] As of 2010, the maintainers of Savannah and GNA! overlaped and worked as a network administrator for both.

Although centralized forges such as GNA! are popular, Dachary is increasingly drawn to distributed hosting. He collects machines and hosting facilities under the umbrella of FSF France and runs ganeti based clusters on them. Dachary helps projects such as the GNU Compiler Collection, OpenChange, Software Freedom Conservancy and Freenode by providing and maintaining machines on this infrastructure. In late 2008 he created an amateur datacenter (codename microdtc34) in a seven square meter room in the center of Paris with Laurent Guerby.


Dachary was appointed honorary member of the April association.[23] On the behalf of April he participated to the commission spécialisée de terminologie et de néologie de l'informatique et des composants électroniques from 2006 to 2009,[24] primarily to discuss the definition of Free Software.[25]


  1. ^ Jean-Daniel Fekete et al. (1995). "TicTacToon: a paperless system for professional 2D animation". Proceedings of the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. doi:10.1145/218380.218417. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=218417. Retrieved 21 November 2009. 
  2. ^ a b Philippe Crouzillacq (9 April 2001). "Panne de moteur pour Ecila". 01net. http://www.01net.com/article/158353.html?rub=2135. Retrieved 11 July 2011. 
  3. ^ Dachary. "librfid". http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/rfid. Retrieved 2009-11-21. 
  4. ^ "OutFlop". http://outflop.me/. Retrieved 11 July 2011. 
  5. ^ Dachary. "First blog entry describing the work done on XiVO packaging". http://blog.xivo.fr/index.php?post/2011/01/24/Xivo-server-packaging-in-a-nutshell. Retrieved 2011-02-27. 
  6. ^ "Loic Dachary - Proformatique". XiVO project. https://projects.xivo.fr/users/112. Retrieved 11 July 2011. 
  7. ^ "Blog entries related to the work done on cardstories". Farsides. http://farsides.com/blog/members/dachary/. Retrieved 2011-05-13. 
  8. ^ FAQ. "UUCP map for u.fra.100". http://www.faqs.org/faqs/comp.mail.maps/UUCP_map_for_u.fra.100. 
  9. ^ "Le Monde en "tique"". http://www.lmet.fr/. 
  10. ^ "Savannah hardware installation". http://fsffrance.org/news/article2001-05-28-01.en.html. 
  11. ^ "SourceForge drifting". http://www.advogato.org/article/376.html. 
  12. ^ "Journal Officiel". http://www.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/. 
  13. ^ Corbet, Jonathan (2002-11-13). "The FSF GPL Compliance Lab". Linux Weekly News. http://lwn.net/Articles/15342/. Retrieved 2008-07-05. 
  14. ^ "Livebox Free/Libre & Open Source Software". http://www.livebox-floss.com/. 
  15. ^ "neufbox sources". http://dev.efixo.net/. 
  16. ^ "A GPL compliance case against Iliad". http://lwn.net/Articles/259131/. 
  17. ^ "Directors". Software Freedom Conservancy web site. http://sfconservancy.org/about/board/. Retrieved 11 July 2011. 
  18. ^ "Loïc Dachary (EUCD.INFO) : " Il ne faut pas confondre la copie privée avec l'acte illicite de la contrefaçon "" (in fr). 01Net. 2003-01-20. http://www.01net.com/article/200027.html. Retrieved 2010-11-06. 
  19. ^ "EUCD.INFO Initiative". http://eucd.info/. 
  20. ^ Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier. "The Savannah Compromise - what really happened?". http://lwn.net/Articles/64835/. 
  21. ^ Mathieu Roy. "Gna!, a new host for Libre Software development". http://www.advogato.org/article/751.html. 
  22. ^ Mathieu Roy. "the Gna! Project : Our Constitution". http://about.gna.org/#constitution. 
  23. ^ "Membre d'honneur de l'April". http://www.april.org/trombinoscope.php?membre=ldachary. 
  24. ^ "Arrêté du 14 mars 2006 portant nomination à la commission spécialisée de terminologie et de néologie de l'informatique et des composants électroniques". http://www.admi.net/jo/20060321/INDI0607061A.html. 
  25. ^ "Vocabulaire de l'informatique (liste de termes, expressions et définitions adoptés) NOR: CTNX0710138K". http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000428762&dateTexte=. 

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